Research Process

So far the research process for me has been a pain in the butt. I have never liked researching and I still don’t like it. It’s very tedious to have to look up sources and then read them all to make sure you can use the information. If you need a lot of sources, you then have to find a bunch of different ones that don’t have the same information, which can be a hard thing to do because most of them say relatively the same things. Also I have only found one database that I like that actually pulls up decent sources and that is Academic Researcher. I have found a decent amount of information on this site, or at least enough to do my annotations, but a lot of the information is relatively the same. I think this research is proving difficult because I can not use the internet and I am use to googleing everything. The one thing I do like about using the database though is that it has a tab that will cite your sources for you and thats always nice to not have to do. As for my topic, I am finding it very interesting. I knew a basis about it but I never really understood the background on the information and what it was that they made the child soldiers do. All I can do is keep researching topics so that I get a broad perspective as well as detailed information.

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