A walk in the woods…

During this “wisdom” walk I was able to find a place to start with.  I started in my favorite scene in nature, I was sitting in the middle of the woods on a dirt path, the sun was shining brightly and warming my skin ever so much. It was clean in the woods, there was no one around, the trees stretched to the skies but the light still shown through them, and there was a little creek with water running downstream to the side.  As I went on my walk in the woods I did indeed find a talking tree. It was extremely tall and had a large round base. It looked like the tree from the movie Pochohantus. It had wrinkles in on it and was light gray in color; it looked like it had been around for hundreds of years. The tree didn’t have anything to say to me, the minute you mentioned a talking tree my mind shut down and thought this is stupid, trees don’t talk to people. So at this point I just looked at the tree and didn’t imagine it telling me anything. As I kept walking there was a doorway with many doors. I opened the first door and to no surprise there was a king sized bed inside. (Clearly you can see where my mind was).  There was a squirrel inside too and the room had dirt walls. The bed was made of gold and had red sheets and a white comforter. It looked like somewhere Whinnie the Pooh would live. When I tried to walk into the room something kept pushing me back and telling me I wasn’t allowed in there. Maybe it was the talking tree? So soon after I decided to leave and walk back to my original spot which was so peaceful and relaxing, I think I’ll visit there more often.

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